Saturday, June 15, 2013

ImPEACH&MINT Summer Salad

HELLLOOOOO SUMMER! Well...almost summer. Friday is officially the first day of summer. Oh, what a magical day!

I am back in California and the sun is shining (for the most part)! One of my favorite perks of living in California? DELICIOUS PRODUCE. One of my favorite? PEACHES!

Lucky me, summer means lots and lots and lots of PEACHES! Beautiful, ripe, juicy peaches that are bursting with flavor. I have only ever eaten peaches as a snack or dessert, and never as a side dish to a savory meal. Things are changing! For your next summer bbq, light dinner, or healthy lunch, try out this salad. It's fresh, simple, and surprisingly delicious. I paired this summer salad with a mint-spiced lamb burger and a refreshingly cool garlic, cucumber, and yogurt salad. YUMMM

Since it's not a baked dessert, you know my motto: all the ingredients are to taste, no exact measurements.

What you'll need:
- 3 ripe peaches
- handful of fresh mint
- 1 small container of fresh baby mozzarella
- olive oil
- salt & pepper
- 2 medium ripe tomatoes, heirloom if possible

How you make it:

Start by slicing the peaches and tomatoes into approximately equally thick slices. Cut the mozzarella into small chunks, and roughly chop the mint. Then toss everything together with the olive oil, salt and pepper. And you're done! Enjoy :)

Links: Impeachment

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