Saturday, December 17, 2011

Baked Apple Chips

Growing up I always accompanied my mom on trips to the market (yes, I call the grocery store the "market," don't make fun of me). I developed the habit of shopping for food to feed six people, and when I moved away for college, I couldn't seem shake the natural tendency. Plus, I eat insane amounts of fruits and vegetables on my own. Sometimes though, I simply can't make it through all 4lbs of apples in time, and the last 3 or 4 start to spoil. What to do?! My family never let food waste, so I needed to find a solution...

What's a better way to rescue a few apples from demise than to make them into delicious apple chips that store for weeks?!

What you'll need:
- apples
- cinnamon

How you make it:

First, start by removing the apple cores. You can use a special tool that does that, or you can do what I did and use the sharp point of your vegetable peeler. (I'm sure a thin knife would do the trick too)

Next, cut the apples crossways into thin slices, making sure to keep the thickness of the slices consistent.

Now, line a cookie sheet with either foil or parchment paper (I used foil and they stuck a little, so use parchment paper if you have it)

Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 275 degrees for an hour. Flip the chips, and then bake for a second hour.

I couldn't resist and starting to snack on them immediately, but if you let them cool they will get crispier.

So easy, completely healthy, and really really delicious!


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  2. Where's the bad pun? You're telling me you've got nothing for "Baked Apple Chips?"
